Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy semester break and CNY holidays.

What a relief? Now that you can rest for awhile. Balik kampung for some. Enjoy your holidays.

Do not forget to hug your mother and daddy. Tell them that you love them. Thank them for their sacrifice.

Do not also forget your assignments. Send in as soon as possible.

As I will be eaving UniKL come 1 April, I will try to complete the syllabus of both innovation management and business ethics before the end of March. There will be a test in the middle of March. I will give you more details later.

I will be joining ASWARA ( Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisam Malaysia - a university status) as a Deputy Rector (or Deputy Vice Chancellor for academic and development) from 1April.

Those interested in doing their master in creative industry entrepreneurship at ASWARA are welcome.


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